Like you, I’m in a strange sense of disbelief over what is going on at the moment. There is a lot of moving parts and a lot of information out there, so will keep this note specific to Kindershare only.
What’s happened so far on Kindershare
We have seen a huge decline in the number of new bookings coming through – and for the first time in about 12 months, we have had days with zero enquiries – quite a scary position for small business to be in.
We have also received a significant number of cancellation requests as families cancel trips interstate or overseas.
What Kindershare is doing now
It is a tough decision to make, but we have decided to allow cancellations for all bookings on the renter’s (or owner’s) request.
If you or your renter would like to cancel, please get in touch with our support team (here or chat on the screen from 9am – 10pm) and Lorna, Rachel or Vivian can arrange the cancellation directly. This is a ‘no cost’ system, which means that you will not receive any cancellation fees for this period unless the renter has offered to pay.
If you have been ill, please let us know so that we can temporarily shut all of your listings until you have recovered.
Yes, this will hurt us all financially, however I strongly believe it is the right thing to do in the circumstances.
Bookings that are still going ahead
While many of our travel-related bookings are being cancelled, people are still having babies and need baby gear.
We ask that our owners take the following steps for any items being returned / rented out:
- Ensure all hard surfaces (eg. Pram frames, bassinet frames) are wiped down with alcohol wipes (eg. Dettol wipes, isopropyl, household disinfectant etc)
- Ensure that all soft fabrics (eg bassinet liners, bouncer fabrics, etc) are washed with Dettol wash or similar.
- Try to limit contact with the renter during drop-off and pickup
Source: NSW Health
If you have any questions or issues, please reach out and we will do our best to guide you during this time.
Thank you again for your understanding.
Vanouhi Nazarian
Founder, Kindershare
16 March 2020