Thanks for listing your baby gear

Before your first request


Reply quickly to requests

Most requests come in less than 3 days before the start date. If you can’t make a request, please decline it so we can quickly find an alternative 


Pickup or Delivery

Owners that offer delivery receive more bookings, especially closer to the CBD. You can even earn extra for doing it! Parents also appreciate ‘out of hours’ pickups – most of Vanouhi’s pickups happen at 8pm mid-week.


Clean or Dirty?

Make it clear the condition you expect it returned in. For example “No need to wash it – but please clean up any poo or vomit” or “Only use wool wash if you need to clean it” 


Know your max weights

Ensure you know the maximum weight of your pram and make it clear on your listing. Some prams have been damaged when larger children have sat in them.  

On the day of pickup


Ask for the code

The 4 digit code can be entered into the field on the chat and will release payment to you. Funds will arrive in your bank account  2 – 3 business days later

Is it being checked in?

Remind the renter to check it at the airport and report any damage to the airline. This will avoid us claiming on their bond as we can recover any repairs directly from the airline. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the items be clean?

Yes! Our products are owned by parents just like you. They know what level of cleanliness is expected.

Are the items safe?

Each new listing is checked by our team to ensure they meet Australian Standards and are less than 7 years old.

Is delivery offered?

Many of our items can be delivered to you – if you’re not sure, check the listing to find out.

I need it urgently – can I pick it up tonight?

Yes -our owners keep their items at home, so you can book and pickup on the same day!

Contact us

Or get in touch via Chat in the bottom corner of your screen 


5 + 2 =

+61 (0) 488 805 151


+61 (0) 488 805 151